Monday, October 27, 2008

A Final Peek At Dave Perillo's Horror Icons

Hi all - we've made it into the home stretch, Halloween week! Unfortunately, that means the end of our showcase of Mr. Perillo's art. But what a way to go, Hmmm? The master slasher, the goalie from Hell, the "before" picture from a Noxzema commercial: Jason Voorhees.
And again, check out Dave Perillo's blog, Montygog's Art-O-Rama, which features much more of his zany stylings. Oh, and stick with us this week - you'll learn the hows and whys of becoming a werewolf, see some of the reasons that certain songs are so completely tied into the magic of a horror movie, and maybe even see a sign of the apocalypse. Oh, and there might be a Halloween soundtrack for ya, if you're good little ghouls...

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