Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The End Of Times Is Nigh: Chinese Democracy To Be Released

And lo, God did look upon Axl’s cornrows, and he saw the folly of man. He sent a plague of frogs upon Axl, and still did Chinese Democracy proceed. And Lucifer sent a demon adorned with a KFC bucket to infiltrate Axl’s band, but he was cast out - and still the album continued. What power has the man named Rose, to rise up against the powers of Gods and Devils alike? Is this the beginning of the End?

Nah, I’m guessing that he’s just a giant freak.

Yes, the long-gestating Chinese Democracy disc from “Guns’N’Roses” is finally going to see light (it drops on November 23rd). The band lineup has changed so many times that Axl had to install a revolving door on the studio, though - so who knows what we’re going to get. Will the final result be worth it? Probably not. Will most of us still get it, even if it’s just to satisfy our morbid curiosity? I’m sad to say that I need to hear it. What will disappoint Axl in the long run is that his former groupies may need a crowbar to fit into their old spandex...

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