Monday, March 3, 2008

Post-Strike - What To Watch In Juanoville...

Hello, all!
I know it's great that the writers' strike is over and the t.v. season is back on track, but we're still feeling the aftershocks. The old batch of episodes is nearly depleted and the new stuff won't be ready for a while yet, so what do we watch? I mean, there's some kind of horrible reality show on every station, but why subject your already mushy brain to that?
I've got a few ideas, and you're going to get one from Tuesday through Friday this week. All of these are available on DVD, to make this much easier. The overall theme is shows featuring strong ladies who rock and or roll in their own way. The other theme is that most of the shows lasted a very short time, or they are still very early in their runs. That way you can blow through these and have some fun while waiting for those new episodes to be birthed.
Have fun with these - I'll have my first pick tomorrow.

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