Friday, May 2, 2008

Fellow Geeks Unite - It's Free Comic Book Day This Saturday!

Okay, so most of my fellow comic geeks already have plenty of advance knowledge about this event, happening Saturday (Third-o de May-o). For those of you who have never actually heard a debate about whether Thor or Superman would win in a fight though, the event is just as it sounds: comic book stores giving away free stuff. No, you can’t just go pick up whatever you want – companies send out thousands of promotional copies of new and ongoing titles in an effort to gain new readers. Very often this will include reprints of first issues for many series, to give people more character history. But this is also an excellent way for smaller companies to put their works before a larger audience – and at the price of $free, who can really turn anything down?

For more info:

For a list of Massachusetts comic shops:

Bob’s Hobbies II (Northampton) seems to have been omitted from the above list, so:

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